Title : The Last Survivor (EFTD) Apk Game v1.1 Free
Type : Download
Requirements: 2.0+
Overview: "The Last Survivor" in a new adictive game action/arcade who put your reflexes in hard event that everyone will enjoy !
You are the last survivor of a starship crashes on a hostile planet. You have to cross the 3 worlds to join a vessel of survival and return on earth !
Avoid robots and try to survive running and jumping plateforms to plateforms without falling and die.
* Graphics in HD mode (800 x 480)
* 36 amazing levels increasing difficulty !
* increasing robots !
* plateforms increasing speed !
Thank you for your comments, we'll modify consequently our game according to your desires ! ^^
Next update probably next week :
Bonus manager in the game to buy new options (like magnetics shields etc..) with your points accumulated in the game and many more ^^
Title : The Last Survivor (EFTD) Apk Game v1.1 Free
Type : Download
Requirements: 2.0+
Overview: "The Last Survivor" in a new adictive game action/arcade who put your reflexes in hard event that everyone will enjoy !
You are the last survivor of a starship crashes on a hostile planet. You have to cross the 3 worlds to join a vessel of survival and return on earth !
Avoid robots and try to survive running and jumping plateforms to plateforms without falling and die.
* Graphics in HD mode (800 x 480)
* 36 amazing levels increasing difficulty !
* increasing robots !
* plateforms increasing speed !
Thank you for your comments, we'll modify consequently our game according to your desires ! ^^
Next update probably next week :
Bonus manager in the game to buy new options (like magnetics shields etc..) with your points accumulated in the game and many more ^^
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